  • Rev. Derrick Caldwell
    Word Document

    My experience at the Emmaus Institute has been ordained by God. The instruction has empowered me as a servant and increased my confidence in preparation. Moreover, it has confirmed my worth to God’s calling.  Learning about expository preaching and teaching has greatly impacted my preaching and teaching presentations. To hear from the members of the church “I’ve never heard it taught or preached like that before” is a sign of this great opportunity with Emmaus.

    When I stand before the people to deliver with confidence redefined, I know I’ve used the tools given to speak true to the text. The same powerful word spoken then is the same powerful word now. The wisdom and knowledge of our instructor is a WOW for me! His wisdom of and in the ministry rounds those sharp edges in ministry. I have had it affirmed from the insights given that there is still worth in God's calling.

    I am truly honored and will always be grateful for this blessing from God called the “Emmaus Institute International.

    Rev. Derrick Caldwell


  • Dr. Yolonda Lysle
    Word Document

    I found the Emmaus Institute International to be an exemplary training institute for the complete equipping of the saint for ministry. 

    Emmaus meets the needs of the lay leader and the church pastor to position them to flourish in all areas of ministry. The passion and creativity for the biblically based, communal learning process serves to empower and transform each participant. 

    Life changing, life transforming studies await all who enroll in this institute of ministry. My life is not the same after walking through the expository preaching cohort. I truly met the God of yesterday, today, and forevermore through this intricate scriptural research process which equipped me to rightly divide the word of truth. 

    The mentoring process encompasses the true-life experiences and challenges that life brings to ministry all wrapped up in encouragement and truth. 



    Rev. Dr. Yolonda S. Lysle, LPCC 





  • Minister Samyra Ocasio
    Word Document

    For many years I have been desiring to get a deeper understanding of the word of God. To get to the place where I love and enjoy reading and studying God's word. Unfortunately, it did not come easy or fast enough because I did not know where to really start.

    I thank God for Emmaus Institute International for helping me in this journey and blessing my life. This institution is guiding me step by step with the resources and teachings to understand the word of God. It's provoking me to go deeper in the word and things of the Lord. Not only is it blessing me in the learning and study of the word but also in applying myself in my personal life and ministry for the Lord. This is what I have been praying for and needing my entire life. I can now discover and walk in my God given purpose. I have more confidence and am experiencing an intimate, personal relationship with God. Looking forward to meeting with Him every day in His word and His presence.

    Despite the challenges and obstacles that had kept me from enjoying and going deeper in the Word, God has used Emmaus Institute, to change my life forever.

    I am forever grateful to Almighty God! May God continue to use it to equip His church for the Glory of God!

    Thank You and Blessings!


    Samyra Ocasio